FacebookIf you are like most people, you don’t even know that Facebook contains a secret message folder. No, this secret message folder is not the same as the “Others” message folder that is often overlooked for months on-end, as emails from senders languish unread because you forget to check them. Instead, this secret message folder is an attempt by the social media giant to filter your messages by some mysterious algorithm. Which messages are apt to wind up in this folder? Those that are from people that you don’t know — which shouldn’t be surprising — as well as any that Facebook deems suspicious.

How to Locate This Secret Message Folder

The method of getting to this secret message folder is different, depending on whether you are using the messenger app to access the social media site, or if you are getting there via the website. If you are using the messenger app, navigate to “people”; then go to “message requests.” Go to the bottom of the messages and click on “see filtered requests.” To access it via the website, go to “message requests” before scrolling to the bottom of the short list of messages that is brought up and then clicked on “see filtered requests.”

What Secrets Might You Find

While people who have browsed through their secret message folder have mostly found spam and crank messages, there have been some messages that they probably would have liked to have received shortly after they were sent. For example, some people have found work offers and other personalized messages within this folder. This could be a problem for those people who use Facebook as a method of marketing themselves to further their careers and who might receive job offers or other inquiries from people they don’t know.

Facebook and Transparency

Facebook has never been one to embrace transparency. In fact, they have long held the notion that their algorithm knows what you want to know or see better than you when you are accessing the site. Being able to customize your Facebook experience has been an option as long as you know the secret and double-layered methods that hide most of these options. It’s no surprise that is this the same way Facebook deals with spam.

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