PNJ Technology Partners hosted an HPE Virtual Technology Summit viewing event, and has a ton of great information to share with those who could not attend.

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When it comes to checking out new technology, connecting with industry professionals, and learning about noteworthy trends in the technology landscape, there is no better way to do so than by attending conferences and summits. But for many busy business professionals, that’s easier said than done.

If you’re not based in a major city center, taking part in one of these events usually requires a bit of travel. Finding space in your schedule and in your budget to attend a conference or summit in another city or state can be a challenge, and often means missing out on what would have been a great opportunity for both yourself and your team.

HPE has fully embraced their status as a technology giant and is using technology to make their summits accessible to anyone and everyone – no travel required. Registered attendees can take part in these events directly from their desktop computer, with access to a wide range of presentations, workshops, and on-demand material.

As an HPE partner, PNJ Technology Partners has been part of a variety of their educational events. For their Virtual Technology Summit on September 19th, we hosted a viewing event right here in our office for clients to take part in. Having a group of business professionals eager to learn all together in one room not only made the technology summit more exciting, but it gave us the opportunity to answer questions and start discussions of our own on the topics and information being presented to us.

Viewing events for these types of conferences allow us to bring the human element of a summit back into this new digital format. It truly is the best of both worlds.

Having The Right Technology In Place Can Make All The Difference

This Virtual Technology Summit touched on many important topics, with a focus on the impact digital transformation has on your business as a whole, how to choose the right mix of technology solutions to suit your business’ needs and goals, and how to survive and thrive in a primarily digital economy.

Part webinar, part online meet-up, and part virtual technology showroom, this technology summit had something exciting to offer everyone who attended.

Beginning with a welcome from Denzil Samuels, the Senior Vice President of Worldwide Indirect Sales, the summit featured a pair of keynote presentations and a series of breakout sessions hosted by HPE team members and partners. Topic included:

  • The Digital Economy and Its Impact on Infrastructure
  • Innovation, Disruption, and Transformation – Where Change is the New Normal
  • Why Hyperconverged?
  • Accelerate Your Time to Value with HPE Storage
  • Achieving Max Velocity with HPE Synergy and Storage
  • Enabling the New Compute Experience
  • Driving Business Success in the Digital Workplace
  • Flexible Funding and Consumption Strategies to Drive Your IT Transformation

With nearly a thousand attendees tuning in for some or all of these presentations, the HPE Virtual Technology Summit was a massive success. The Achieving Max Velocity With HPE Synergy and Storage breakout session proved to be the most popular out of all of the presentations offered, providing some exciting insights into the ability for this type of technology to change business operations dramatically.

By making a huge amount of the material presented available for download, attendees were given the added advantage of being able to hold on to detailed information for future reference. Now, when the time comes to make changes or upgrades to your technology infrastructure, you’ll have a trove of valuable information direct from industry experts to help guide you in the right direction.

You can check out everything this event had to offer on-demand directly on the HPE site.

Virtual Summits Offer Can’t-Miss Opportunities

Being able to learn from industry experts, take a look at what’s ahead in the world of technology, and connect with fellow business professionals is an invaluable experience. Whether it’s a general business technology conference or one tailored to your specific industry or specialty, it’s not an opportunity you should pass up when you have the means to take part.

Technology continues to play a bigger and bigger role in business operations, and having a good grasp of what is out there for you to use and how that technology works is no longer just a luxury – it’s a necessity. Even small businesses need to have great technology solutions in place to stay competitive, and virtual summits like this one are a perfect low-cost way to stay informed.

We love that we’re able to host viewing events to help make getting the best possible experience out of virtual summits that much easier. As an IT provider, we see firsthand the difference the right technology can make, and how much more effective that technology can be when it’s functions aren’t a mystery to the employees that use it each and every day.

Want to learn more about the IT support solutions PNJ Technology Partners has to offer? Contact us at or (518) 459-6712. We’re the IT professionals businesses in Albany trust.