Is Your Telecommunications Network Prepared to Handle the Coronavirus Strain?

The COVID-19 crisis is putting IT and telecommunications infrastructures to the test. Do you have the structure in place to handle this “perfect storm” of demand?  

The business world has been rocked in recent weeks, as millions of Americans are suddenly pressed to work from home. Technical teams are working day and night to ensure that these individuals have the tools, training and resources needed to perform their essential business duties from a remote location. Still, the IT and telecommunications infrastructures are feeling the strain. While the broader internet is not in any danger of collapse, individual corporate networks are taking quite the beating with network activity that is often far beyond the expectations of network engineers when the systems were built. This increased reliance on telecommunications platforms is driven in large part by the need to stay connected to teams and customers. At the same time, the world slowly looks for ways to return to normal operations.

telecommunications network coronavirus

Shifting Communication Models During COVID-19 Lockdowns

Weekly meetings that were traditionally held in a conference room are suddenly being sorted out via remote video, with new participants attempting to figure out technology that may be unfamiliar. Fortunately, video conferencing tech has come a long way in the past few years. However, there are still some gaps in knowledge and experience that can require additional support from trained technical professionals. As coronavirus concerns continue to keep businesspeople at home in the near term, Zoom and Microsoft Teams are becoming the platforms of choice for many Americans who are attempting to retain valuable connections with their peers.

Preparing for a Boom in Digital Networking

Massive gatherings that were scheduled for the spring and early summer are already shifting to online formats, putting additional strain on the telecommunications infrastructure of individual businesses and the country. With bans in place that limit individuals from gathering in groups larger than ten and individuals in many states under a “shelter in place” order, Adobe and other major brands are delaying their annual meetings of thousands or shifting them online. This digital networking push allows companies to stay connected, provide additional educational opportunities for their teams while still maintaining a safe distance to prevent the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus. All this online activity means a boost in need for software licenses for popular networking platforms, as well as greater capacity for network access within on-premise or remote datacenters where critical information and digital business applications are being stored.

Growth in the eCommerce Sector

If your company sells directly to the public, there is yet another component to keep in mind: ensuring that your website can accept transactions and maintain an uninterrupted flow of communication between customer support staff, customers and vendors. With the prospect of more time available at home and their inability to leave home except for essentials, Americans are turning to online shopping at an exceptional rate. Your customer service staff may not have access to the advanced telecommunications switching devices that are available on-premise at your business location. Still, there are remote alternatives that can be deployed to help enhance the customer experience and appropriately route calls to their correct destinations.

Ensuring that your IT and telecommunications infrastructure remains solid during a period of unprecedented activity is the hallmark of a mature IT organization. Technology leaders throughout the country are doing what it takes to keep their companies moving, and that often means seeking outside assistance with infrastructure operations and support. When you need assistance beyond what your internal IT team can provide, contact the professionals at PNJ Technology Partners at 518-459-6712 or via email to Our IT support professionals will provide you with a free initial consultation aimed at helping understand your current and future needs and how we can help enhance the security and reliability of your network infrastructure.