Everything Your Technology Team Needs to Work From Home

Learn about everything your technology team needs to work from home, and discover how the right equipment can help with focus and efficiency.  

Working from home has been growing in popularity for years now, but with the spread of COVID-19, it’s becoming a necessity for many companies who are looking to continue operations and keep their employees safe. While there are some business operations that are difficult to move online, IT is relatively easy. You just need to have the right tech at your disposal. Here’s everything your technology team needs to work from home.

Working From Home Coronavirus Albany

Keyboard and Mouse

A good keyboard and mouse is essential for your employees to be able to do any kind of work online. While they probably have all the equipment they need at work, some people’s home keyboards can be outdated or otherwise incompatible for longer hours spent on computers. Comfort and ergonomics should be one of your primary concerns. There are all sorts of options available including keyboards specifically set up to combat the onset of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Having a good mouse is helpful as well. For the most part, the best mouse depends largely on personal preference. Some may prefer a standard mouse while others work best with a trackball setup. Making sure they have a proper mouse at home is key to ensuring their comfort is prioritized, which in turn, maximizes productivity in most cases. Many workers may not recognize any discomfort from their mouse at home until they have to use it for eight hours or more a day.

Readable Monitors

Quite a few office workers, especially those in IT, may have become accustomed to having two monitors at their workstation. Whether they’re trying to accomplish multiple tasks at once or need a quick way to reference information for their work, having two monitors can change their workflow immensely for the better. The problem is that most people don’t have two monitors at home they can use, and the transition back to a single monitor can be tough.

There are several solutions available that can help workers at home deal with their monitor limitations. Obviously, the easiest solution is to get a second monitor, but that’s not always an option, especially when you’re trying to stay inside as much as possible. Another solution is to connect the computer to the television. Smart TVs are compatible with most internet-connected devices, so they can set up their computer to have multiple displays with their television screen acting as a monitor. Alternatively, a television screen may be large enough to act as two monitors in its own right.


The biggest obstacle to efficiently working at home is distractions. Whether it be other people, a television, or any other hobby that may be around, it’s easy to slow down on work because the boss isn’t around to notice extended breaks. If self-discipline needs a bit of a boost, getting some noise-canceling headphones can be helpful. Listening to calm music or silence in a quiet corner at home where the rest of the household doesn’t gather can increase efficiency immensely.

With these handy pieces of technology, employees will be in a much better position to work from home. IT professionals can certainly benefit, but any kind of work is made easier with a quality keyboard, mouse, monitor setup, and headphones.