Tales of Cyber Disasters In the digital age, cyberattacks are becoming more frequent, sophisticated, and devastating. These horror stories often stem from simple mistakes or overlooked vulnerabilities, leading to severe financial and reputational damage. Whether it’s ransomware paralyzing an organization or phishing scams duping employees, these attacks highlight the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures. Fortunately, […]

The Deceptive World of Social Engineering Social engineering attacks are some of the most effective tricks used by cybercriminals. By manipulating human emotions like trust, urgency, or fear, hackers deceive individuals into giving up confidential information or access to secure systems. From phishing emails to impersonating employees, these tactics allow criminals to bypass even the […]

As an IT support company based in Albany, PNJ Technology recognizes that reliable IT support is vital for the success and efficiency of your business. We are proud to be a leading IT support company in Albany, committed to offering exceptional IT support services tailored to meet the specific needs of both businesses and individuals. […]

PNJ Technology recognizes that dependable business IT support is essential for your business’s success. We are well-versed in the specific challenges that Albany-based businesses encounter and are committed to delivering exceptional IT support services tailored to address these needs. Whether you need prompt assistance with an urgent issue or are seeking comprehensive, long-term managed IT […]

Passwords are our primary defense against cyber threats. Yet, many of us fall into the trap of using generic, easy-to-remember passwords, compromising our security. This blog will delve into the risks associated with generic passwords, what US and Canadian businesses and users should understand about the UK’s new ban on weak default passwords, and strategies […]

Email remains a primary communication tool for both personal and professional use, but it also continues to be a significant vector for cyber attacks. Recently, the FBI and NSA have emphasized a crucial step that all email users and administrators should take to bolster their email security: updating your DMARC policy. This recommendation comes in […]

Are you tired of forgetting your password and being locked out of your accounts? Password recovery methods can help you regain access to your accounts, but they come with a tradeoff between convenience and security. While some methods are more convenient, they may also be less secure, leaving your account vulnerable to hackers. On the […]

As the holiday season approaches, many parents and guardians are eager to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Among the popular items on children’s wish lists are various devices such as tablets, smartphones, and game consoles. While the idea of gifting the latest technology to your child can be exciting, it’s crucial to […]

As the holiday season approaches, (beginning a few weeks back with Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday), millions of people will engage in online shopping to find gifts for their loved ones. Along with the anticipation and excitement of the holidays, however, comes an increase in scammers trying to deceive people into giving away […]

Are you sure you’re protecting your personal data as much as you should be? Every time you sign up for a new account, make an online purchase, or even use a social media platform, you’re sharing bits of your personal data. Sometimes, this data can fall into the hands of malicious actors, putting you at […]

We all rely on our devices and online services to keep us safe and secure. However, many of us might not realize that the default cybersecurity settings on our devices and applications can put us at risk. It’s essential for you to understand why these default settings can be dangerous and what you can do […]

A Chief Information Officer (CIO) provides an invaluable service for your business. It’s their job to understand your organization completely and offer strategic IT planning, analysis, and overall IT management. They’re dedicated to finding ways to grow your business through new technology and technology-driven processes. By keeping an eye on both your business and the […]