Having an Android device is like running a computer and, when you get it, you install everything you possibly can. Ever notice that it may be lagging behind or you still need more efficient tools and apps? Stop being frustrated and follow this guide to improving the security and efficiency of your Android device. 1.   […]

If you’re reading this on an Apple device, sit up and pay attention. A rare security patch has been released by Apple that you need to install right now to protect your systems from hackers. Whether you’re running Yosemite, Mavericks, or Mountain Lion OS X systems, you may be vulnerable to a recently discovered security […]

Ever review your email in the morning and wonder why there is so much spam coming through? It takes time to differentiate between the emails containing spam, viruses, malware and the ones that are important. There are many ways to set these apart and help kick start the day a bit quicker. PNJ Technology Partners offers these […]

Over time, you may notice that you are being less productive at work. It’s a common problem and sometimes you need to change things up a bit. Knowing how you work and doing things differently can make all the difference. Here are the top six tips to make you more productive: 1.   Routines and Priorities […]

So you’ve just purchased an Android phone? Or maybe you’re looking to improve your experience on an existing Android phone? There is a plethora of options you can change and apps you can add to improve your Android experience! Let’s go over 4 simple things you can do to speed up your phone and get […]

There’s more to Google Search than meets the eye. The capabilities of the world’s premier search engine are obscured by its deceptively simple layout: the average user may think that all that changes about Google Search is that for every holiday and birthday of a significant person they’ll put up a custom doodle instead of […]